Lets kick this post of with a rant shall we?
I don't make reviews a lot but when I do they always tend to be voted as "useless."
So my question is, what makes a review "useful?"
- Listing the pros/ cons of the piece?
- stating your own opinion?
- Grammer and spelling?
Those are the basics that come to my mind.
I guess I could put a little more effort into what I'm reviewing... I will work on that, however
I see a lot of good reviews that have all these criteria but are still rated useless... what more do the people want?
- longer reviews?
- shorter reviews?
- more depth and perspective?
- more criticism?
- a snappy punny title?
I do enjoy snappy punny titles =)
Also, I see a lot of good "negative reviews", or critiques, that get deemed "useless."
I'm guessing its because the user who wrote it gave the piece a 7/10 instead of 10/10 like all the other sheep and actually took the time write something that may help the artist improve... right, because THATS "useless" >___>....
Constructive criticism is OKAY people!!! Its okay~
Another thing is a lot of people, and I'm one of them, just use the review box to comment on how much we loved/ or hated the flash.... resulting in a "useless" review... well of course its useless! We just want to shout out to the author(s) what we think of them not critique their work! I mean really, how are you going to "review" the gold medal pieces? They are awesome through and through!
We all know the animation is amazing,
the sound is perfect,
and the stories are mind-blowing
so what else is there to write except: "WOW, I love how you did X and the part where (blank) happened! AMAZING! Keep up the good work! 5/5 and 10/10"
"People think this review is Useless."....
The only reviews that should be deemed "useless" are those one to three word comments that involve the words such as gay, stupid, fail.... well you know the rest.
Other then that any review, good or bad, saying what was liked or what was not liked along with a personal opinion should be deemed good, dont you think?
And that is my rant for the day~
On a more lighter note I have bought both Pokemon B&W and Assassins Creed BroHood.
This has resulted in me coming up with Assassins Creed Pokemon where I'm drawing Pokemon after the multiplayer characters in ACB....
Lame, maybe
Fun, YES!
Anyone else have ACB? Isn't the online play so freaking fun!
I wanna know: Who's your choice character? Which one to do like to stalk and hunt down the most?
Personally I love being the executioner or the doctor and taking down the barber... he looks like such a pedo XD
I have it for PS3 and my name is the same as my NG's one here so add me if you want!
As for you Pokemon Fans o3o What started did you choose? Whats your party so far? Any favorites? Do you give them all badass nicknames? If so, what are they?
Can I just say I am not impressed that the pokemart and pokecentre are all one building? Also, I hate how when you eneter a building it goes all slow-mo... =___= Waste of a slow-mo scene if you ask me...
Besides that I am very happy with the game =)
My favourite so far is my Timburr which I deemed Sledge . Who doesn't want a Pokemon that smacks other Pokemon over the head with a 2 by 4???
Thanks for stopping by (and reading this is you did),
I thought the funniest part of your post was how you spelled "grammar" wrong.
awesome ^^